Friday, August 12, 2011

Greetings Earthlings

Hello faithful readers.
Thank you for bearing with me this far. Some of you have come with me from Libramentum and some of you have joined me from Deviant Art. I love you all. Kiwimother, Dougie, Baltagalvis, Helkathon, Nick, Wayne, Ginge, Lorenzo and AidestheKiwi; I love you the most! I also love the late Maalie, Ju, Ngatapa, Simon and anyone else who reads me :D (I would love you as much as the first group if you commented more, though Maalie has an excuse...)

Now I have moved again. Please update your bookmarks (or create them if you haven't already!)
My website is:
My blog is now

Please go check it out to find more links of the website as I slowly get it constructed.  I will not be returning to this version of the blog again until it is time to deactivate it.

Much love, Sez. xxSxx

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